Press Release

"Launch of human rights manual for the National Police of Timor-Leste"

19 October 2021

On 15 October 2021, the Provedoria for Human Rights and Justice (PDHJ), the National Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL) and the UN Human Rights Advisory Unit in Timor-Leste, launched the Human Rights training manual for the PNTL. The new manual has substantially revised the previous manual, which was launched in 2014 and which has been supporting the joint capacity building program of those institutions to members of the PNTL. The revision results from the need to incorporate lessons learned over the years of implementation of the training program, as well as current developments in the country's legal framework. It also includes new sections, such as on States of Emergency, and focuses more in depth on the role of the PNTL vis a vis the challenges faced by groups of concern in the country.

The new manual, now updated to the current needs and challenges faced during policing activities in Timor-Leste, will start being used this week, in the training taking place from 18-22 October in Lospalos (Lautem district) to 23 PNTL staff (including 10 female). Another similar training will take place next week (25-29 October) for PNTL staff in Viqueque dstrict.


“Lansamentu Manual Direitus Umanus ba Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste”

Iha 15 Outubru 2021, Provedoria ba Direitus Umanus no Justisa (PDHJ), polísia Nasionál Timor-Leste PNTL) no Unidade asesória Direitus umanus ONU nian iha Timor-Leste lansa ona manuál formasaun Direitus umanus ba PNTL. Manuál foun ne'e halo ona revizaun substansial ba manuál uluk, ne'ebé lansa tiha ona iha tinan 2014 no ne'ebé fó ona apoiu ba programa kapasitasaun konjunta  husi instituisaun hirak ne'e ba membru PNTL sira. Revizaun ne'e rezulta husi nesesidade atu inkorpora lisaun balun ne'ebé aprende ona durante tinan barak nia laran ba implementasaun programa formasaun, no mós dezenvolvimentu dadaun ne’e nian iha kuadru legál nasaun nian. Ida ne'e mós inklui seksaun foun, hanesan Estadu emerjénsia, no foka kle'an liu ba PNTL nia papél hodi vis a vis dezafiu ne’ebe grupu sira hasoru iha nasaun ne’e.

Manuál foun ne'e,  agora atualiza ba nesesidade no dezafiu ne'ebé durante polisia hala’o atividade iha Timor-Leste, sei hahú uza iha semana ida-ne'e, iha treinamentu ne'ebé hala'o husi loron 18-22 Outubru, iha Lospalos (munsipiu Lautem) ba funsionáriu PNTL na'in 23 (inklui feto 10). Formasaun seluk hanesan ne'e sei hala'o iha semana oin (25-29 Outubru) ba funsionáriu PNTL sira iha munisipiu Viqueque.


Ahmed Saleem

Communications Officer

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