UN aloka osan dolar amerikanu millaun 2 atu responde ba impaktu El Nino iha Timor-Leste
02 February 2024
Ohin loron Nasoins Unidas iha Timor-Leste anunsia lansamentu fundus emerjénsia nian ho montante US$2 milhoens. Fundus hirak-ne'e ho objetivu atu fornese asisténsia emerjénsia ba ema sira ne'ebé afetadu husi El Nino iha munisípiu neen iha nasaun laran tomak.
Fundu resposta lalais ne'e hanesan parte husi Fundu Sentral Nasoins Unidas nian ba Resposta Emerjensia (CERF) no sei implementa liuhusi ajénsia tolu ONU nian: Organizasaun Ai-han no Agrikultura (FAO), UNICEF no Programa Ai-han Mundial (WFP). "Ofisial ne'e sei fó apoiu direta ba ema na'in 45,000 no sei fó benefísiu ba ema na'in 241,000 tan ne'ebé hasoru inseguransa ai-han no nutrisaun ne'ebé aat, falta bee, no produtu ai-horis ne'ebé ki'ik."
Fundu ne'e kobre munisípiu neen, hahú husi Lautem iha parte leste to'o Bobonaro iha fronteira oeste, inklui Liquica, Ermera, Manufahi no Covalima. Iha área hirak-ne'e mak entre sira ne'ebé iha númeru aas liu husi labarik sira ne'ebé hetan inseguransa hahán.
Iha fulan neen oin mai, subsídiu ne'e sei fornese ai-han esensiál sira, inklui foos, pulsu no mina, asegura asesu ba bee moos, no suporta agrikultór sira ho fini rezistente ba rai-rahun, vasina ba animál sira, no inputs jardín uma-laran. Feto isin-rua no fó-susu liu 1,000 sei simu ai-han nutritivu espesiál atu prevene malnutrisaun. Aleinde ne'e, sei halo monitorizasaun ba labarik na'in 55,000 ho idade tinan 0-5, no sira ne'ebé presiza.
Anunsia kontribuisaun ne'e, Koordenador Rezidente Nasoins Unidas nian iha Timor-Leste Funmi Balogun hateten: "Funsaun CERF nian inklui kontribuisaun Nasoins Unidas nian ba esforsu mitigasaun El Nino Timor-Leste nian. Ida ne'e hanesan intervensaun estratéjika ida-ne'ebé dezeña atu oferese asisténsia imediata ba uma-kain sira ne'ebé vulneravel, inklui feto isin-rua no fó-susu, nune'e mós agrikultór sira, hodi asegura katak sira simu apoiu nesesáriu hodi tahan impaktu negativu husi El Nino."
Nu'udar nasaun illa ki'ik ida, Timor-Leste depende maka'as ba agrikultura ne'ebé udan-been no ai-han importadu. Hahú husi fulan Setembru tinan 2023, eventu tempu El Nino ne'ebé la'o hela hamosu kondisaun hanesan rai-rahun, udan-been ne'ebé tarde ona, no inundasaun flash durante tempu kuda-rai nian. Disrupsaun ida-ne'e afeta ona produsaun ai-horis no rendimentu agríkola, ne'ebé fó impaktu signifikativu ba asesu ai-han no disponibilidade ba ema vulneravel barak iha área rurál sira.
Alokasaun CERF la'ós de'it sei apoia intervensaun importante sira iha tempu badak no sei hatudu vulnerabilidade sira ne'ebé la'o hela iha munisípiu hirak-ne'e maibé mós sei aliña ho Kuadru Estratejiku Nasoins Unidas nian ba Dezenvolvimentu. Objetivu husi programa ne'e mak atu fó apoiu ba Governu Timor-Leste hodi alkansa sira-nia atividade dezenvolvimentu ho efetivu no atinji Objetivu sira Dezenvolvimentu Sustentavel iha nasaun ne'e.
Notes to Editors:
The United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) is one of the fastest and most effective ways to ensure urgently needed humanitarian assistance reaches people caught up in crises. Established by the United Nations General Assembly in 2005 as the global emergency response fund, CERF enables humanitarian responders to deliver life-saving assistance whenever and wherever crises strike.
In Timor-Leste, the CERF allocation aims to prevent or reduce the negative impacts of the anticipated drought due to El Niño and meet the most urgent anticipated food and WASH needs of communities projected to be most at-risk. The El Niño weather event is expected to significantly reduce rainfall from November 2023, with drought anticipated in early 2024. This will intensify food insecurity, acute water scarcity, and malnutrition, expected to worsen from March to April 2024. Even before the El Niño event, 44 percent of families already faced severe and moderate food insecurity, with 54 percent of households experiencing water scarcity at least once in a 6-month period. In some municipalities, this figure rises as high as 70 percent (2022 National Census; Food Security Assessment, WFP, 2023). With one of the highest rates of stunting in the world at 47 percent, and given the supply and demand dynamics affecting both availability and affordability of food, there is an urgent need to mitigate the complete deterioration of food security as El Niño is expected to exacerbate already concerning food security conditions.
For more information, contact:
- Imogen Wilson (WFP): imogen.wilson@wfp.org
- Pedro Soares (FAO): Pedro.Soares@fao.org
- Tapuwa Mutseyekwa (UNICEF): tmutseyekwa@unicef.org
- Ahmed Saleem (UN RCO): mohammed.saleem@un.org