Timor-Leste to host WHO’s regional meeting on family planning and comprehensive abortion care
30 November 2022
Press Release
Timor-Leste to host WHO’s regional meeting on family planning and comprehensive abortion care
Dili, 29 November 2022- WHO Southeast Asia’s Regional Technical Meeting on ‘Family Planning and Comprehensive Abortion care to Accelerate the Reduction in Maternal Mortality’ will be hosted in Timor-Leste from 30 November to 2 December. The high-level meeting with participation from 10 member countries from the Southeast Asia region will be inaugurated by H.E. President Dr. Jose Ramos Horta on Wednesday at the Mahoka Hall in Dili.
Family planning interventions have a significant role in reducing maternal and child mortality. The use of different contraceptive methods can reduce unintended pregnancies by spacing and limiting childbirths.
“Maternal and child health is one of eight regional flagships of the WHO Southeast Asia region, and WHO Timor-Leste is honoured to host the important meeting in this island nation,” said Dr. Arvind Mathur, WHO Representative to Timor-Leste. “The Regional Meeting will bring together experts from all the member countries to deliberate on and review the family planning services in their countries and the region and chart out a plan to cover the unmet needs and cope with challenges in the near future,” Dr. Mathur added.
The Regional Meeting will bring together WHO’s programme teams, officials from the Ministry of Health and other stakeholders face to face after two years of the COVID-19 pandemic. The topics of the technical sessions planned through the three days include global progress on sexual and reproductive health, regional progress on maternal and reproductive health, updated family planning tools, self-care interventions in sexual and reproductive health among others.
The meeting will also provide a platform to the member countries to exhibit material depicting their advocacy approaches, achievements and other interventions that have made a difference in the field of family planning.
On 1 December, the delegates will join the community in Timor-Leste for Walk the Talk to commemorate the World AIDS Day and highlight the importance of family planning services for women and adolescents at high risk of HIV.
“This Regional Meeting is the first such high level technical meeting to be hosted in Timor-Leste. It provides a great opportunity to the Government of Timor-Leste and to the Ministry of Health to showcase their achievements and reiterate their commitments on the WHO’s regional platform,” said Dr. Mathur.
Komunikadu Imprensa
Dili, 29 Novembru 2022 - Sorumutuk Tékniku Rejionál OMS Sudeste Aziátiku nian kona-ba Planeamentu Família no Kuidadu Abortu Kompreeensivu hodi Aselera Redusaun Mortalidade Inan sei organiza iha Timor-Leste husi 30 Novembru to'o 2 Dezembru. Sorumutuk nivél aas ho partisipasaun husi nasaun membru 10 husi rejiaun Sudeste Aziátiku nian ne’e, sei inaugura husi S.E. Prezidente Republika Dr. José Ramos Horta iha loron Kuarta-feira iha Salaun Mahoka iha Dili.
Intervensaun planeamentu familiár iha papél signifikante iha redusaun mortalidade inan no oan. Uzu ba métodu kontraseptivu sira bele hamenus isin-rua ne'ebé la ho intensaun liuhusi fó espasu no limita partus.
"Saúde inan no oan nu'udar pilár importante ida husi pilár rejionál ualu OMS nian iha rejiaun Sudeste Aziátiku, no OMS Timor-Leste iha onra atu sai hanesan uma-na'in ba sorumutuk importante iha nasaun ida nee," dehan Dr. Arvind Mathur, Reprezentante OMS nian ba Timor-Leste. "Sorumutuk Rejionál ne'e sei halibur péritu sira husi nasaun membru sira hotu atu halo deliberasaun no halo revizaun ba servisu planeamentu familiár sira iha sira-nia nasaun no rejiaun no halo planu ida atu kobre nesesidade sira ne'ebé la konsege kobre no rezolve dezafiu sira iha futuru," hatutan Dr. Mathur.
Sorumutuk Rejionál ida ne'e sei halibur hamutuk ekipa programa OMS nian, ofisiál sira husi Ministériu Saúde no parseiru relevante sira seluk ne'ebé la hasoru malu durante pandemia COVID-19 tinan rua nia laran. Tópiku sira husi sesaun téknika ne'ebé planeia durante loron tolu ne'e sei inklui progresu globál iha saúde seksuál no reprodutiva, progresu rejionál iha saúde inan no reprodutiva, instrumentu planeamentu familiár ne'ebé atualiza ona, intervensaun auto-care iha saúde seksuál reprodutiva no seluk tán.
Sorumutuk ne'e mós sei fornese plataforma ida ba nasaun membru sira atu hatudu materiál sira kona-ba sira-nia aprosimasaun advokásia nian, susesu no intervensaun sira seluk ne'ebé halo ona mudansa ba iha área planeamentu familiár nian.
Iha loron 1 Dezembru, delegadu sira-ne'e sei hamutuk ho komunidade iha Timor-Leste hodi hala'o diskursu, liuhusi komemora Loron Mundiál ba AIDS no subliña importánsia husi servisu planeamentu familiár ba feto no adolesenti sira ne'ebé iha risku aas ba HIV.
"Sorumutuk Rejionál ne'e hanesan sorumutuk tékniku nivel aas dahuluk ne'ebé sei organiza iha Timor-Leste. Ida ne'e fó oportunidade di'ak ba Governu Timor-Leste no Ministériu Saúde atu hatudu sira-nia susesu no fó sai sira-nia kompromisu iha plataforma rejionál OMS nian," dehan Dr. Mathur.