Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run Visits UN House Timor-Leste
Distinguished members of the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run,
Executive Director of the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run,
UN Colleagues, Ladies and Gentleman,
It is a great pleasure for myself and the entire UN Country Team to welcome you to the UN House.
As I mentioned at the Parliament relay launch the other day, I am so impressed by the passion and perseverance shown by the people of Timor-Leste in pursuit of peace. Likewise, I am equally impressed by the idea of promoting peace through running. My congratulations to the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run for returning to Timor-Leste for the 4th round
Let me briefly explain why the Peace Run is such a special event. The holistic benefits of running regularly are recognised worldwide. Running benefits the health and well-being of people – regardless of race, gender, religion, ethnicity, strength, age or ability. Running is good for the body, mind and inner spirit. Running is now practised worldwide, in all countries and on every continent. In Timor-Leste, the role and contribution of Sri Chinmoy, like the United Nations, is closely associated with the country's independence.
Sri Chinmoy established the Peace Run based on one essential idea. This is because if we want to build a better, peaceful world, we need to start with ourselves as individuals. Only when we are at peace within ourselves we can contribute to a peaceful, non-violent and better world through our attitudes and behaviours.
Running offers a simple, accessible and inclusive means to improve human well-being. Without the need for expensive equipment or purpose-built venues, it can help bring communities together and generate mutual trust and dignity. For these reasons, Sri Chinmoy established the Oneness-Home Peace Run, now celebrated in many countries worldwide, including Timor-Leste.
As Mahatma Gandhi said, 'We need to be the change we want to see in the world', and that change must start within ourselves.
With these words, I welcome you all once again to the UN compound to help invigorate the process of self-reflection and self-change!