Timor-Leste National Diaspora Engagement Plan includes a collection of activities forseen in the Timor-Leste National Engagement Policy, 2023-2027.
The Timor-Leste National Diaspora Engagement Policy primary aim is to establish a sustainable culture of diaspora engagement for the Government of Timor Leste (GoTL). It helps to address the institutional, informational, and implementation gaps required for such a culture of diaspora engagement and strengthen care and support to the Timorese diaspora abroad.
The action plan is focused on supporting implementation of the policy and run for its lifecycle between 2023-2027. The activities within the action plan are designed along the 5 policy pillars outlined in the policy document.
The cycle of work will focus predominantly on establishing and securing the leadership and institutional capacities at home and abroad to deliver the policy. It will adopt a project-based framework and include important transition projects which will help towards a scaling of activities in later years of the action plan’s lifecycle.
The action plan has been developed with a view to optimizing budgetary frameworks viable between the GoTL and donor communities. It has 14 interventions strategically structured over the lifespan of the plan.